Home | Plastic Crushing Machines | Light Work Crushing Machine

low energy consumption
high performance
Plastic crushing machines are the most important machine component of recycling lines.
Light-duty crushing machines are manufactured with low power and low rotor diameter, unlike existing crushing machines. It is recommended for materials with low breaking strength as it will produce less torque compared to heavy duty machines.
The body design of the crushing machines produced by IZA Makine is produced with a precision of 0.005 in CNC machining centers and CNC borwerks. Roller bearings developed by Iza Makine are used against axial and radial loads. In addition, impermeability measures have been taken for wet crushing. Water cooling system is used in some crushing machines to keep the temperature inside the chamber to a certain extent.

Each crushing machine you will buy will give you a certain amount of crushing. However, in order to achieve full performance and desired grain size; Different rotor types must be selected according to the characteristics of the material to be broken. Iza Makine expert staff will assist you in choosing the right rotor.
Crushing machines are guaranteed for 3 years against mechanical and electronic scopes. The knives used in crushing machines are manufactured from DIN 1.2379 BÖHLER, HARDOX and special alloy steel castings. As a result of R&D and tests carried out together with İZA MAKİNA and the leading casting companies in the sector, knives made of special alloy steel castings offer maximum efficiency and long service. Cast knives are patented and belong only to İZA MAKİNA.